Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Couple of Good Farm Hands

After Austin's birthday party these two cousins were just playing around on the four wheelers and barn. It was such a good photo opportunity! My favorite was when Spencer stopped walking to remove a large rock from the ground. After pulling it out he started to dig in the dirt where it had been. I asked him what he was doing and he said, "working!"

If you're going to visit Vale(and I only do because my amazing sister lives there,) you need to visit during the spring. This visit I was there to witness the first signs of spring and it was beautiful. The temperatures reached 70 degrees and the cool wind was blowing strong. Trees started to show buds of green instead of the dry brown that characterized them all winter long. The farms started to turn a lime color reminding me of the neon green rice fields in Vietnam. Upclose they're a wet mess but from the road the fields look like you could lay in them. It really is beautiful around this time of year when the sun comes out and everything starts to grow! It makes me just want to write all the time!

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